
Project 3

Kara Belknap & Cassio Monti 2022-11-5

Report for the socmed Data Channel

This report contains Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) about the socmed data channel and a modeling section applying different regression methods which attempt to predict trends about article sharing on the Mashable website.


The objective of this analysis is to provide a comprehensive overview about publication metrics and their relationship with the number of shares that those publications presented during the study period. These data have been collected from Mashable website, one of the largest news websites from which the content of all the socmed channel articles published in 2013 and 2014 was extracted. The full data description can be found here. These data were originally collected and analyzed by Fernandes et al. (2015), in which the authors performed classification task comparing several machine learning algorithms. In the present study, a subset of the data used by Fernandes et al.(2015) corresponding to the data channel socmed is used for regression purposes. The response variable is the number of shares that the papers presented after publication. In other words, we will try to predict the number of shares that the papers will have before publication and evaluate the prediction of each selected model based on some common metrics, such as RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error), RSquared (Coefficient of Determination), and MAE (Mean Absolute Error) applied to the test set. To perform the regression, the methods Random Forest, Boosting, Multiple Linear Regression, and LASSO regression will be used. More information about the methods will be provided in the corresponded sections.

Some metrics have been calculated based on the information obtained from Mashable website. For instance, the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) was applied to the data set to identify the 5 top relevant topics and then measure the closeness of the current article to such topic. There are 5 relevance of topic metrics according to LDA:

Additionally, some quality metrics related to the keywords have been calculated and will be used in this analysis. These metrics represent the average number of shares for publications with worst, best, and average keywords. The classification of keywords under these groups was made by the authors of the original paper. The keyword metrics are shown below.

Article content metrics were also used in this study. These are general metrics about the body of the publication that can influence the number of shares of that paper. The content summary metrics are shown below.

These data were collected during 2013 and 2014 on daily basis. To represent time dependent information, a binary variable indicating whether the publication was made in a weekend or weekday, is_weekend is used.

Data Import and Manipulation

Required Packages

Before we can begin our analysis, we must load in the following packages:


Tidyverse is used for data management and plotting through dplyr and ggplot packages. Caret package is used for data splitting and modeling. GGally is used for nice correlation and exploratory plots assisting in the visualization. knitr package is used to provide nice looking tables.

Read in the Data

Using the data file OnlineNewsPopularity.csv, we will read in the data and add a new column corresponding to the type of data channel from which the data was classified. The new variable will be called dataChannel. Note that there are some rows that are unclassified according to the six channels of interest and those are indicated by other. The data indicated by other was excluded from all reports since the data had not been assigned to one of our channels of interest.

Once the data column is created, we can easily subset the data using the filter function to create a new data set for each data channel. We removed the original data_channel_is_* columns as well as two non-predictive columns url and timedelta.

# reading in the data set
rawData <- read_csv("../OnlineNewsPopularity.csv")

# creating new variable to have more comprehensive names for data channels.
rawDataChannel <- rawData %>%
  mutate(dataChannel = ifelse(data_channel_is_lifestyle == 1, "lifestyle", 
                              ifelse(data_channel_is_entertainment == 1, "entertainment", 
                              ifelse(data_channel_is_bus == 1, "bus", 
                              ifelse(data_channel_is_socmed == 1, "socmed", 
                              ifelse(data_channel_is_tech == 1, "tech", 
                              ifelse(data_channel_is_world == 1, "world", 
                                     "other"))))))) %>%
  select(-data_channel_is_lifestyle, -data_channel_is_entertainment, 
         -data_channel_is_bus, -data_channel_is_socmed, -data_channel_is_tech,
         -data_channel_is_world, -url, -timedelta)

# assigning channel data to R objects.
lifestyleData <- rawDataChannel %>%
  filter(dataChannel == "lifestyle")

entertainmentData <- rawDataChannel %>%
  filter(dataChannel == "entertainment")

busData <- rawDataChannel %>%
  filter(dataChannel == "bus")

socmedData <- rawDataChannel %>%
  filter(dataChannel == "socmed")

techData <- rawDataChannel %>%
  filter(dataChannel == "tech")

worldData <- rawDataChannel %>%
  filter(dataChannel == "world")

Select Data for Appropriate Data Channel

To select the appropriate data channel based on the params$channel, we created a function selectData which would return the appropriate data set and assign it to the data set activeData. This will be the file we will use for the remainder of the report.

# function to assign automated calls for the different data channels
selectData <- function(dataChannel) { 
  if (dataChannel == "lifestyle"){
  if (dataChannel == "entertainment"){
  if (dataChannel == "bus"){
  if (dataChannel == "socmed"){
  if (dataChannel == "tech"){
  if (dataChannel == "world"){

# activating corresponding data set.
dataChannelSelect <- params$channel

activeData <- selectData(dataChannelSelect)

Summarizations for the socmed Data Channel

In this section, we will perform EDA for the data channel socmed.

Data Manipulation for EDA

Data Split

This section splits the data set into training and test sets for the proportion of 70/30. The data summarizing will be conducted on the training set. To split the data, the function createDataPartition(), from caret package, was used with the argument p=0.7 to represent 70% of the data should be in the split. The function set.seed(555) was used to fix the random seed. The code below shows the creation of training and test sets.


trainIndex <- createDataPartition(activeData$shares, p = 0.7, list = FALSE)

activeTrain <- activeData[trainIndex, ]

activeTest <- activeData[-trainIndex, ]

Outlier Detection and Cleaning

In this section we will perform a very important step of EDA, the outlier detection and cleaning. In order to accomplish this task, we will use the studentized residuals from a linear regression using the rstandard() function. Linear models can also be useful for EDA when analyzing the residuals. This analysis is famous for looking for values above 2 and below -2 for the standardized residuals in the student distribution scale, which means that if a residual goes above 2 or below -2, it is considered an outlier and it is recommended to be deleted. The code below shows the steps to use this function and cleans the detected outliers from the training set.

# selecting variables of importance
var_sel = select(activeTrain,starts_with("LDA_"), average_token_length,
         is_weekend, n_tokens_content, n_non_stop_unique_tokens, num_hrefs,
         num_self_hrefs, num_videos, average_token_length, kw_avg_min, 
         kw_avg_max, kw_avg_avg, is_weekend)

# fitting a MLR with all important predictors
outlier_mod = lm(activeTrain$shares~.,data=var_sel)

# finding values greater than smaller than -2
a=(1:length(rstandard(outlier_mod)))[rstandard(outlier_mod) > 2]
b=(1:length(rstandard(outlier_mod)))[rstandard(outlier_mod) < -2]

# cleaning these values in the training set.
activeTrain = activeTrain[-c(a,b),]

Data manipulation for statistics

A new created object in this section aims to summarize publications during weekdays and weekends and create factor levels for them to match with shares variable. The functions ifelse() was used to vectorize the IF-ELSE statements associated to mutate(), which took care of creating and appending the new variable to the data set. The function factor() was used to explicitly coerce the days of week into levels of the newly created categorical variable “Day”.

# IF-ELSE statements
statsData <- activeTrain %>%
  mutate(Day = ifelse(weekday_is_monday == 1, "Monday", 
                      ifelse(weekday_is_tuesday == 1, "Tuesday", 
                      ifelse(weekday_is_wednesday == 1, "Wednesday", 
                      ifelse(weekday_is_thursday == 1, "Thursday", 
                      ifelse(weekday_is_friday == 1, "Friday", 
                      ifelse(weekday_is_saturday == 1, "Saturday", 
                      ifelse(weekday_is_sunday == 1, "Sunday",
                             "missingdata")))))))) %>%
  mutate(Weekend = ifelse(is_weekend == 1, "Yes", "No"))

# Assigning factor levels
statsData$Day <- factor(statsData$Day, 
                levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", 
                           "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"))

EDA: Summary Statistics

Summary Statistics, Number of Articles Shared

The following table gives us information about the summary statistics for the number of shares for articles in the data channel socmed. The summary() function was used to extract these metrics.

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##       5    1400    2100    2924    3600   15200

Summary Statistics, Number of Articles Shared, Weekend vs. Weekday

The following table gives us information about the average, median, and standard deviation for the number of shares based on whether the post was made on a weekend or a weekday. The variable “weekend” was grouped, via grouped_by(), and for each level the sum, average, median, and standard deviation of shares were calculated via sum(), mean(), meadian(), sd(), and summarise() functions. The summary table is shown below.

statsData %>% 
  group_by(Weekend) %>%
  summarise(sumShares = sum(shares), avgShares = mean(shares), medShares = median(shares), sdShares = sd(shares)) %>% 
  kable(caption = "Statistics for Shares for Weekend or Weekdays") 
Weekend sumShares avgShares medShares sdShares
No 3917260 2867.687 2000 2421.123
Yes 694064 3289.403 2300 2649.634

Statistics for Shares for Weekend or Weekdays

Summary Statistics, Articles Shared by Day of Week

Likewise, this table gives us information about the number of shares by the day of the week. The same functions were used here, but applied to levels of variable “Day”. Also, the quantities maximum max() and minimum min() number of shares by levels of “Day” were calculated.

statsData %>% 
  group_by(Day) %>%
  arrange(Day) %>%
  summarise(sumShares = sum(shares), avgShares = mean(shares), medShares = median(shares), sdShares = sd(shares), maxShares = max(shares),
            minShares = min(shares)) %>% 
  kable(caption = "Statistics for Shares Across Days of Week")
Day sumShares avgShares medShares sdShares maxShares minShares
Monday 670723 2891.047 2100 2297.727 12700 53
Tuesday 795483 2724.257 1900 2253.029 12200 238
Wednesday 863321 2916.625 2100 2436.494 13700 23
Thursday 945792 2928.149 2000 2576.024 15000 5
Friday 641941 2878.659 2000 2518.937 13700 213
Saturday 388672 3185.836 2300 2603.620 15200 837
Sunday 305392 3431.371 2400 2719.827 13200 455

Statistics for Shares Across Days of Week

Total Articles Shared by Day of Week

Next, we will analyse the frequency of occurrence of publications on each day of the week. The one-way contingency table below presents those frequencies.

##    Monday   Tuesday Wednesday  Thursday    Friday  Saturday    Sunday 
##       232       292       296       323       223       122        89

Contingency Table

Another discrete analysis performed here is the two-way contingency table related to the discretization of the response variable if we divided shares into two categories. The function cut() was used for this end. In this case, we count the frequency of the number of publications in the weekend versus weekdays with the two levels of response variable. These levels represent the number of shares between the minimum and average number of shares (on the left) and between the average and maximum number of shares (on the right). The table below shows the frequencies. In the table below, 0 (zero) represents weekdays and 1 (one) represents weekends.

cutoff = cut(activeTrain$shares, 
             breaks = c(min(activeTrain$shares), 
             labels = c(paste0("(",round(min(activeTrain$shares),2),
                              ", ",round(mean(activeTrain$shares),2),
                              ", ",round(max(activeTrain$shares),2),

table(activeTrain$is_weekend, cutoff) %>%
  kable(caption = "Frequency of Shares in Weekend vs in Weekdays")
  (5, 2924.11] (2924.11, 15200]
0 939 426
1 130 81

Frequency of Shares in Weekend vs in Weekdays

Correlation Matrix

An important EDA analysis for regression tasks is the correlation matrix. The function cor() is used in this section to return the top 10 most correlated potential predictor variables with the response variable shares according to Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient. The code below presents the process of obtaining these variables and their respective correlations with the response variable. The correlations are clearly small for this case, which may difficult the modeling process and produce low quality of prediction metrics.

var_sel = select(activeTrain,starts_with("LDA_"), average_token_length,
         is_weekend, n_tokens_content, n_non_stop_unique_tokens, num_hrefs,
         num_self_hrefs, num_videos, average_token_length, kw_avg_min, 
         kw_avg_max, kw_avg_avg, is_weekend)

# correlation matrix
correlation = cor(activeTrain$shares, var_sel)

# sorting the highest correlations
p = sort(abs(correlation), decreasing = T)

# getting column ID
var_id = unlist(lapply(1:10,
                         function(i) which(abs(correlation) == p[i])))

# collecting variable names
var_cor = colnames(correlation)[var_id]

#combining names with correlations
tbcor = cbind(var_cor, correlation[var_id])

# converting to tibble
tbcor = as_tibble(tbcor)

# updating column names

# rounding the digits
tbcor$Correlation = round(as.numeric(tbcor$Correlation),3)

# nice printing with kable
kable(tbcor, caption = "Top 10 Response Correlated Variables")
Variables Correlation
LDA_00 0.237
kw_avg_avg 0.149
n_non_stop_unique_tokens -0.145
LDA_03 -0.121
LDA_01 -0.115
LDA_02 -0.087
is_weekend 0.058
kw_avg_min 0.054
kw_avg_max -0.050
num_hrefs -0.049

Top 10 Response Correlated Variables

Principal Components Analysis (PCA)

The variables that present highest correlation with the response variable shares are LDA_00, kw_avg_avg, n_non_stop_unique_tokens, LDA_03, LDA_01, LDA_02, is_weekend, kw_avg_min, kw_avg_max, num_hrefs. These variables will be studied in more depth via PCA to understand the orientation of the most important potential predictors. The code below presents the PCA analysis as part of the EDA. The 10 PCs displayed in the table below correspond to the most variable combination of the 10 predictors, which the PC1 has the most variation in the data, PC2 presents the second most variation and so on. The coefficients associated to each variable are the loadings and they give the idea of importance of that particular variable to the variance of the 10 predictor variables. The negative values only mean that the orientation of the weights are opposite in the same PC. Since the first PC has the largest variability, it is possible to say that the variables with more weights in PC1 might be the most important variables that contribute more with the variance of the predictors. This variables are expected to present large influence on the explanation of the variance of the response variable. The table below show these numbers.

id = which(colnames(activeTrain) %in% var_cor)

PC = prcomp(activeTrain[,id], center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)$rotation)

kable(pc_directions, caption="Principal Components for EDA", digits = 3)
  PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PC8 PC9 PC10
n_non_stop_unique_tokens -0.464 0.022 -0.076 -0.410 0.072 0.109 0.378 -0.665 -0.082 0.040
num_hrefs 0.475 -0.230 0.142 0.283 -0.021 -0.206 -0.244 -0.669 -0.263 0.045
kw_avg_min 0.180 -0.067 0.545 -0.454 -0.076 0.416 -0.071 0.170 -0.497 -0.006
kw_avg_max -0.388 -0.150 -0.169 0.594 0.036 0.305 0.084 0.092 -0.579 -0.007
kw_avg_avg -0.178 -0.249 0.559 0.325 0.114 0.394 0.013 -0.129 0.550 0.033
is_weekend 0.131 -0.158 0.270 0.142 -0.397 -0.336 0.758 0.123 -0.052 -0.024
LDA_00 -0.004 0.692 0.266 0.199 0.094 -0.031 0.045 -0.126 -0.067 -0.616
LDA_01 -0.153 -0.035 -0.129 -0.019 -0.867 0.186 -0.283 -0.122 0.116 -0.251
LDA_02 0.431 -0.299 -0.391 -0.064 0.162 0.429 0.285 -0.022 0.117 -0.512
LDA_03 -0.343 -0.513 0.153 -0.153 0.171 -0.438 -0.216 0.099 -0.069 -0.538

Principal Components for EDA

id2 = which(abs(pc_directions$PC1) %in% 
             sort(abs(pc_directions$PC1),dec= T)[1:3])

It is possible to see that the three most important variables in PC1 are n_non_stop_unique_tokens, num_hrefs, LDA_02 from the table above. These variables are considered the most important variables in terms of variance of the predictor variables. Although the metrics for prediction are expected to be poor, these variables are expected to show the most influence to the explanation of the variance of the response shares.

EDA: Graphical Analysis

Correlation Plot

The plot below presents histograms, scatter plots, and correlations in a bivariate structure of the top 5 variables chosen in the correlation analysis. Notice the shape of the distributions and the values of the correlations relative to the response variable shares.

# bivariate correlation plot
cor_data <- cbind(select(activeTrain,shares),var_sel[,var_id[1:5]])

PCA: Biplot

The biplot below presents the PC1 and PC2 from the PCA analysis. The function ggplot() was used to create the plot and the segments created via geom_segment() were re-scaled so that we could better see the variable names. The most variation in the data is contained in the PC1, hence, the most important variables in the data are approximately oriented towards the axis of PC1 and, therefore, may be good predictors for the shares response. Likewise, for PC2, which contains the second most variability in the data set, the variables that are oriented approximately towards the axis of PC2 are the second most important variables.

# plotting PC1 and PC2 for the top 5 variables
# biplot(PC, cex = 1)
  geom_point(data = pc_df, mapping = aes(x=PC1, y=PC2))+
  geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = 0, yend = 50 * PC2, xend = 50 * PC1))+
  geom_label(mapping = aes(x = 51 * PC1, y = 51 * PC2, label = row.names(pc_directions)))

Scatter Plots by LDA Value

The scatter plots below show the different levels of the variables related to the LDA metrics, from 0 to 4, and graphs the relationship with the response variable shares. The function ggplot() is used to create the plot frame and geom_point(), geom_smooth, and facet_wrap() function are used to plot the scatter points, the smooth GAM (Generalized Additive Models) lines, and split the data by LDA type, respectively. It is possible to see the behavior of the response variable in relation to each LDA types. A common analysis using scatter plots is related to the pattern shown by the smooth curve fitted to the points. If this curve shows a flat or constant line parallel to the predictor axis, then the predictor has little contribution to the explanation of the variance of the response variable.

LDA.dat = activeTrain %>%
  select(shares, starts_with("LDA")) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = LDA_00:LDA_04, names_to = "LDA", values_to = "values")

# relationship between shares and LDA levels (facet_wrap+smooth)
ggplot(LDA.dat, aes(y = shares, x = values))+
  geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "loess")+ facet_wrap(~LDA)+
labs(x = "LDA Values", y = "Shares", title = "Shares by LDA Types")

Scatter Plots by Keyword Metrics

The scatter plots below show the different types of the variables related to the Keyword metrics and graphs the relationship with the response variable shares. The function ggplot() is used to create the plot frame and geom_point(), geom_smooth, and facet_wrap() function are used to plot the scatter points, the smooth GAM (Generalized Additive Models) lines, and split the data by keyword type, respectively. It is possible to see the behavior of the response variable in relation to each of the 3 keyword metric types.

# relationship between shares and keyword metrics
kw.dat = activeTrain %>%
  select(shares, kw_avg_max, kw_avg_avg, kw_avg_min) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = 2:4, names_to = "keyword", values_to = "values")

# relationship between shares and keyword metrics types (facet_wrap+smooth)
ggplot(kw.dat, aes(y = shares, x = values))+
  geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "loess")+ facet_wrap(~keyword)+
labs(x = "Keyword Metric Values", y = "Shares", title = "Shares by Keyword Metric Types")

Scatter Plots by Content Metrics

The scatter plots below show the different types of the variables related to the Content metrics and graphs the relationship with the response variable shares. The function ggplot() is used to create the plot frame and geom_point(), geom_smooth, and facet_wrap() function are used to plot the scatter points, the smooth GAM (Generalized Additive Models) lines, and split the data by content type, respectively. It is possible to see the behavior of the response variable in relation to each of the 4 content metric types.

# relationship between shares and content metrics (facet_wrap+smooth)
cont.dat = activeTrain %>%
  select(shares, num_videos, n_tokens_content, n_non_stop_unique_tokens,
         num_hrefs, num_self_hrefs, average_token_length) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = 2:7, names_to = "content", values_to = "values")

# relationship between shares and content metrics types (facet_wrap+smooth)
ggplot(cont.dat, aes(y = shares, x = values))+
  geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "loess")+ facet_wrap(~content)+
labs(x = "Content Metric Values", y = "Shares", title = "Shares by Content Metric Types")

Box Plot of Shares for Data Channel socmed

The following box plot shows the distribution of shares for this data channel. The main chunk of the data can be seen within the “box” representing the region encompassing the first and third quartiles. For some cases, there are possible outliers in the data that make distortions to the box plot and this mentioned “box” looks thinner than usual. If this happens, then it means that the possible outliers are much larger than the main chunk of data. The outliers usually appear as individual points in the box plot. The graph below shows this pattern for the response variable shares. However, the data might not have outliers and the highlighted data points are in fact part of the data. This stresses the importance of knowing about the subject and data set in order to perform statistical analysis.

boxSharesGraph <- ggplot(statsData, aes(y = shares))
boxSharesGraph + geom_boxplot() + 
  ggtitle(paste("Number of Shares for Data Channel:", dataChannelSelect)) +
  ylab("Number of Shares") +
  xlab("Data Channel") 

Scatter Plot of Title Words

The following graph shows the number of shares compared to the number of words in the title. The output is colored by the day of the week.

titlewordcountGraph <- ggplot(statsData, aes(x = n_tokens_title, y = shares))
titlewordcountGraph + geom_point(aes(color = Day)) + 
  ggtitle("Number of Shares vs. Number of Words in Title") +
  ylab("Number of Shares") +
  xlab("Number of Words in Title")

Scatter Plot of Positive Words

The following plot shows the number of shares by the rate of positive words in the article. A positive trend would indicate that articles with more positive words are shared more often than articles with negative words.

positivewordrateGraph <- ggplot(statsData, aes(x = rate_positive_words, y = shares))
positivewordrateGraph + geom_point(aes(color = Day)) + 
  ggtitle("Number of Shares vs. Rate of Positive Words") +
  ylab("Number of Shares") +
  xlab("Rate of Positive Words") 

Scatter Plot of Title Subjectivity

The following plot shows the total number of shares as related to the parameter title subjectivity. A positive trend would indicate that articles are shared more often when the title is subjective. A negative trend would indicate that articles are shared more often when the title is less subjective.

titleSubjectivityGraph <- ggplot(statsData, aes(x = title_subjectivity, y = shares))
titleSubjectivityGraph + geom_point(aes(color = n_tokens_title)) + 
  ggtitle("Number of Shares vs. Title Subjectivity") +
  ylab("Number of Shares") +
  xlab("Title Subjectivity") + 
  labs(color = "Word Count in Title")


In this section, we will perform regression for prediction purposes for the data channel socmed. All models were fitted using 5-fold Cross-Validation via train() function from caret package. All variables were scaled and centered as well.

Data Manipulation for Modeling

Subsetting Variables for Modeling

The variables selected below are those described in the introduction of this study and will be used in the modeling section. The function select() was used to subset the corresponding variables from the training and test sets and two new objects are created specially for the modeling section, dfTrain and dfTest.

dfTrain = activeTrain %>%
  select(shares, starts_with("LDA_"), average_token_length,
         is_weekend, n_tokens_content, n_non_stop_unique_tokens, num_hrefs,
         num_self_hrefs, num_videos, average_token_length, kw_avg_min, 
         kw_avg_max, kw_avg_avg, is_weekend)

dfTest = activeTest %>%
  select(shares, starts_with("LDA_"), average_token_length,
         is_weekend, n_tokens_content, n_non_stop_unique_tokens, num_hrefs,
         num_self_hrefs, num_videos, average_token_length, kw_avg_min, 
         kw_avg_max, kw_avg_avg, is_weekend)

Linear Regression Modeling

Linear regression is a modeling technique by which one attempts to model a response variable (in this case shares) with one or more explanatory variables using a straight line. A model with only one explanatory variable is called simple linear regression (SLR). In simple linear regression, the response variable is predicted by an intercept and a regression coefficient multiplied by the value of your explanatory variable. The goal of regression is to determine the intercept and the regression coefficients. This is done by fitting a straight line across all of the data with the goal of minimizing the residuals sum of squares via Least Squares method. The model is fit by minimizing the sum of squared errors (SSE).

The same concept can be applied to multiple linear regression (MLR), which has more than one explanatory variable. In this case, the goal is to determine the intercept and a regression coefficient corresponding to each explanatory variable in an attempt to minimize the sum of squared errors.

In R, MLR is generally done with the function lm. There are also a variety of other methods that fall under the umbrella of MLR. One of these methods, LASSO regression, will be explored as part of this analysis.

Linear Regression Model #1: Multiple Linear Regression Using lm

Here, modeling for linear regression is done with the caret package using the method lm. The summary function gives us the regression coefficients.

lmFit = train(shares~., data = dfTrain,
              preProcess = c("center","scale"),
              trControl = trainControl(method="CV",number=5))

## Call:
## lm(formula = .outcome ~ ., data = dat)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -5374.3 -1388.1  -613.1   460.1 10778.4 
## Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
##                          Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)               2924.11      57.99  50.424  < 2e-16 ***
## LDA_00                     463.76     100.01   4.637 3.83e-06 ***
## LDA_01                    -182.17      67.88  -2.684 0.007359 ** 
## LDA_02                     -27.41      89.88  -0.305 0.760462    
## LDA_03                    -117.38      93.49  -1.256 0.209447    
## LDA_04                         NA         NA      NA       NA    
## average_token_length        83.80      67.70   1.238 0.215959    
## is_weekend                 152.07      59.65   2.549 0.010884 *  
## n_tokens_content            40.78      91.87   0.444 0.657208    
## n_non_stop_unique_tokens  -475.47      82.05  -5.795 8.25e-09 ***
## num_hrefs                 -334.16      92.49  -3.613 0.000313 ***
## num_self_hrefs             -44.14      76.34  -0.578 0.563258    
## num_videos                 183.32      60.93   3.009 0.002664 ** 
## kw_avg_min                  -7.07      63.95  -0.111 0.911979    
## kw_avg_max                -174.91      66.23  -2.641 0.008349 ** 
## kw_avg_avg                 438.46      65.56   6.688 3.13e-11 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 2303 on 1562 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.1288, Adjusted R-squared:  0.121 
## F-statistic: 16.49 on 14 and 1562 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

The following table shows the output training metrics for this linear regression.

lm_out = data.frame(lmFit$results)

kable(lm_out, caption = "Output Training Metrics for Linear Regression",
      digits = 3)
intercept RMSE Rsquared MAE RMSESD RsquaredSD MAESD
TRUE 2323.568 0.11 1607.924 175.888 0.027 99.098

Output Training Metrics for Linear Regression

The following shows the RMSE, RSquared, and MAE values for the model as it performed on predicting the test set.

metric_lm = postResample(pred = predict(lmFit, newdata = dfTest), 
                         obs = dfTest$shares)

##         RMSE     Rsquared          MAE 
## 6.434185e+03 1.238591e-02 2.313189e+03

Linear Regression Model #2: LASSO Regression using glmnet

The linear regression chosen for this next model is based on penalized regression via LASSO regression. This method has a particular advantage of having a triangular shape of parameters search space so that it allows the estimated coefficients to be zero. This is due to LASSO optimization that has in the loss function the penalty associating the sum of the absolute value of the parameters multiplied by lambda, the penalty term (hyperparameter). Hence, LASSO regression is also a variable selection method. In this application, we will test the prediction capability of LASSO regression only. It was tested a sequence of values for the Regularization Parameter (lambda), a tuning parameter, from 0 to 10 by 1 via seq(0,10,1) assigned to the tuneGrid =argument in the train() function from caret package. The code below presents the estimated coefficients for the best hyperparameter.

LASSO = train(shares~., data = dfTrain,
              preProcess = c("center","scale"),
              tuneGrid = expand.grid(alpha = 1, lambda = seq(0,10,1)),
              trControl = trainControl(method="CV",number=5))

coef(LASSO$finalModel, LASSO$bestTune$lambda)
## 16 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
##                                  s1
## (Intercept)              2924.11160
## LDA_00                    489.18864
## LDA_01                   -163.07978
## LDA_02                      .      
## LDA_03                    -82.75233
## LDA_04                     11.86160
## average_token_length       63.91704
## is_weekend                139.98841
## n_tokens_content           16.09874
## n_non_stop_unique_tokens -458.49858
## num_hrefs                -305.60559
## num_self_hrefs            -26.30855
## num_videos                167.38080
## kw_avg_min                  .      
## kw_avg_max               -157.23572
## kw_avg_avg                419.13340

The best lambda for this model is 10 and this value can be seen in the table below which summarizes all the metrics for the 5-fold cross-validation.

lasso_out = data.frame(LASSO$results)

kable(lasso_out, caption = "Output Training Metrics for LASSO",
      digits = 3)
alpha lambda RMSE Rsquared MAE RMSESD RsquaredSD MAESD
1 0 2318.619 0.114 1602.497 135.584 0.058 75.499
1 1 2318.619 0.114 1602.497 135.584 0.058 75.499
1 2 2318.361 0.114 1602.276 135.664 0.058 75.459
1 3 2317.984 0.115 1601.988 135.733 0.058 75.401
1 4 2317.640 0.115 1601.721 135.793 0.058 75.347
1 5 2317.337 0.115 1601.499 135.869 0.058 75.291
1 6 2317.019 0.115 1601.292 135.945 0.058 75.172
1 7 2316.724 0.115 1601.108 136.017 0.057 75.044
1 8 2316.440 0.115 1600.936 136.089 0.057 74.897
1 9 2316.169 0.115 1600.780 136.163 0.057 74.740
1 10 2315.910 0.115 1600.655 136.239 0.057 74.619

Output Training Metrics for LASSO

The plot below shows the RMSE by Regularization Parameter (lambda). It is easy to see that RMSE is minimized when lambda = 10.


The validation step for LASSO regression is applied on the test set after predicting the response variable for unseen data (test set). By using predict() and postResample() functions, the metrics RMSE (Root Means Squared Error), Rsquared (Coefficient of Determination), and MAE (Mean Absolute Error) are calculated and displayed below.

metric_LASSO = postResample(pred = predict(LASSO, newdata = dfTest),
                            obs = dfTest$shares)

##         RMSE     Rsquared          MAE 
## 6.437570e+03 1.148639e-02 2.311253e+03

Tree-Based Modeling

The next two models, Random Forest and Boosted Tree, are both types of tree-based modeling methods. Generally speaking, in a tree-based modeling method, the predictor space is split into regions, with different predictions for each region. In the case of regression trees where the goal is to predict a continuous response, the mean of observations for a given region is typically used to make the predictions.

To make the predictions, the trees are split using recursive binary splitting. For every possible value of each predictor, find the residual sum of squares (RSS) and try to minimize that. The process is repeated with each split. Often, trees are grown very large and need to be cut back using cost complexity pruning. This ensures that the model is not overfit and will work well on prediction of new data.

Random Forest Model

In this section, we attempt to model the data using a Random Forest model, which is a type of ensemble learning which averages multiple tree models in order to lower the variance of the final model and thus improve our prediction.

In a random forest model, we first begin by creating multiple trees from bootstrap samples. A random subset of predictors is used to create each bootstrap sample. The predictors are selected randomly to prevent the trees from being correlated. If the random subset was not used (as in another tree based method called bagging), the trees would likely all choose the same predictors for the first split. Choosing the splits randomly avoids this correlation. The number of predictors is specified by mtry. The maximum number of predictors for a regression model is generally chosen to be the total number of predictors divided by 3. Once the bootstrap sample statistics are collected, they are averaged and used to select a final model.

Random forest models use “out of bag” error to test the data using samples from the original data set that were not included in a particular bootstrap data set.

For the random forest model, we will use the train function from the caret package. We set the mtry to select 1-5 predictors.

train.control = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 5)

rfFit <- train(shares~.,
               data = dfTrain,
               method = "rf",
               trControl = train.control,
               preProcess = c("center","scale"),
               tuneGrid = data.frame(mtry = 1:5))

## [1] 2

The best mtry for this particular model was 2.

The following plot shows the RMSE values for each of the tune. The objective in random forest modeling is to choose the model with the lowest RMSE.


The following table shows training metrics for the random forest model. Again, the best model is the one that minimizes RMSE.

rf_out = data.frame(rfFit$results)

kable(rf_out, caption = "Output Training Metrics for Random Forest",
      digits = 3)
mtry RMSE Rsquared MAE RMSESD RsquaredSD MAESD
1 2323.472 0.111 1628.408 50.481 0.020 15.979
2 2320.075 0.109 1638.205 36.841 0.025 23.469
3 2328.902 0.103 1647.421 36.312 0.023 26.104
4 2329.520 0.103 1648.304 30.592 0.023 34.301
5 2339.430 0.098 1657.943 27.339 0.024 28.163

Output Training Metrics for Random Forest

Now we will run a prediction on our test data split that we obtained when we split the data based on a 70/30 split. The table shows the RMSE value for the test data set, which is an indication of how well our model worked to predict data that was not included when training the original model. We can compare this model against other models to find the model with the lowest RMSE.

RF_pred <- predict(rfFit, newdata = activeTest)

metric_rf = postResample(RF_pred, activeTest$shares)

##         RMSE     Rsquared          MAE 
## 6.448230e+03 7.697142e-03 2.336022e+03

Boosted Tree Model

In this section the Ensemble Learning algorithm Boosting will be trained. Boosted tree method is one of the Tree based models most used in data science because it presents a fitting strategy that improves sequentially throughout the iterations. Boosting uses single trees fitted (each single tree has d splits) on the training data and produces predictions off of that training. The residuals of this prediction is, then, used as response variable for the next single tree training step. New predictions are done for this new model as well and so on. This process occurs several times during B iterations and the predictions are updated during the fitting process, being driven by the shrinkage parameter, also called growth rate, lambda. These training features of Boosting make this method to produce a reduction in the variance of the predictions as well as gains in precision, mainly over Random Forest, Bagging, and single tree. The shrinkage parameter will be set as 0.1 and n.minobsinnode set as 10. The parameters n.tree and interaction.depth will be chosen based on 5-fold cross-validation. The former will be chosen from a sequence from 25 to 200, counting by 25. The latter will be chosen from a sequence from 1 to 4. The code below shows the training and tuning procedure and prints out the resultant values of the two considered hyperparameters.

tunG = expand.grid(n.trees = seq(25,200,25),
                   interaction.depth = 1:4,
                   shrinkage = 0.1,
                   n.minobsinnode = 10)

gbmFit <- train(shares~.,
               data = dfTrain,
               method = "gbm",
               preProcess = c("center","scale"),
               trControl = train.control,
               tuneGrid = tunG,
               verbose = FALSE

## [1] 50
## [1] 2

The best n.trees and interaction.depth parameters for this model are 50 and 2, respectively. These values can be seen in the table below, which summarizes all the metrics for the 5-fold cross-validation. It is easy to see that these values minimize the RMSE.

gbm_out = data.frame(gbmFit$results)

gbm_out <- gbm_out %>%

kable(gbm_out, caption = "Output Training Metrics for Boosting",
      digits = 3, row.names = FALSE)
shrinkage interaction.depth n.minobsinnode n.trees RMSE Rsquared MAE RMSESD RsquaredSD MAESD
0.1 2 10 50 2321.140 0.111 1604.475 147.999 0.051 73.458
0.1 2 10 75 2323.360 0.109 1601.193 146.813 0.045 80.631
0.1 1 10 100 2326.918 0.106 1606.124 131.940 0.037 60.057
0.1 2 10 100 2327.222 0.111 1599.427 164.829 0.055 84.598
0.1 1 10 125 2327.242 0.106 1603.637 130.435 0.036 61.314
0.1 3 10 50 2327.435 0.107 1602.514 136.812 0.045 72.840
0.1 1 10 75 2328.677 0.104 1614.682 128.881 0.035 54.501
0.1 1 10 150 2329.176 0.106 1599.901 129.393 0.034 60.929
0.1 1 10 175 2330.300 0.105 1602.385 127.523 0.034 66.533
0.1 2 10 125 2331.019 0.110 1600.927 164.219 0.052 83.884
0.1 1 10 200 2331.966 0.105 1601.921 130.718 0.038 66.680
0.1 3 10 75 2333.760 0.106 1601.500 146.298 0.045 80.763
0.1 2 10 25 2336.779 0.102 1630.944 123.227 0.035 51.285
0.1 3 10 25 2337.160 0.100 1628.151 112.934 0.032 58.149
0.1 1 10 50 2339.329 0.098 1626.792 122.621 0.031 52.697
0.1 3 10 125 2341.795 0.106 1601.554 146.524 0.045 79.367
0.1 3 10 100 2341.865 0.103 1600.485 137.564 0.042 78.370
0.1 4 10 25 2341.901 0.096 1625.053 135.377 0.049 68.796
0.1 4 10 50 2342.801 0.100 1614.011 145.565 0.048 80.888
0.1 2 10 150 2345.573 0.103 1617.950 153.833 0.045 75.861
0.1 4 10 75 2347.922 0.103 1611.151 148.350 0.048 74.638
0.1 3 10 150 2353.303 0.102 1611.228 148.647 0.045 87.548
0.1 2 10 175 2353.806 0.099 1621.542 139.916 0.035 70.085
0.1 4 10 100 2362.716 0.100 1621.004 145.860 0.045 75.866
0.1 2 10 200 2363.007 0.096 1625.422 137.561 0.033 75.015
0.1 1 10 25 2366.105 0.085 1658.551 107.940 0.016 50.107
0.1 3 10 175 2366.298 0.097 1623.354 144.872 0.041 81.366
0.1 3 10 200 2373.479 0.096 1628.131 147.188 0.042 82.166
0.1 4 10 125 2376.159 0.096 1627.224 150.497 0.046 81.653
0.1 4 10 150 2392.163 0.090 1637.547 139.156 0.039 80.367
0.1 4 10 175 2394.420 0.090 1631.672 139.442 0.035 81.828
0.1 4 10 200 2408.156 0.086 1644.021 133.803 0.032 83.339

Output Training Metrics for Boosting

The plot below shows the RMSE by Number of Boosting Iterations and display Max Tree Depth lines for the 5-fold CV performed. It is easy to see that RMSE is minimized when n.trees = 50 and interaction.depth = 2.


The validation step for Boosting is applied on the test set after predicting the response variable for unseen data (test set). By using predict() and postResample() functions, the metrics RMSE (Root Means Squared Error), Rsquared (Coefficient of Determination), and MAE (Mean Absolute Error) are calculated and displayed below.

gbm_pred <- predict(gbmFit, newdata = activeTest)

metric_boosting = postResample(gbm_pred, activeTest$shares)

##         RMSE     Rsquared          MAE 
## 6.445422e+03 9.564159e-03 2.299485e+03

Model Comparison & Conclusion

For the overall comparison among all 4 created models in previous sections, the test set was used for predictions and some quality of fit metrics were calculated based on these prediction on unseen data. The code below shows the function that returns the name of the best model based on RMSE values estimated on the test set. The code below displays the table comparing all 4 models.

bestMethod = function(x){
  bestm = which.min(lapply(1:length(x), function(i) x[[i]][1]))
  out = switch(bestm,
                "Random Forest",
                "LASSO Regression",
                "Multiple Linear Regression")

tb = data.frame(RF = metric_rf, Boosting = metric_boosting,
                LASSO = metric_LASSO, Linear = metric_lm)

kable(tb, caption = "Accuracy Metric by Ensemble Method on Test Set",
      digits = 3)
  RF Boosting LASSO Linear
RMSE 6448.230 6445.422 6437.570 6434.185
Rsquared 0.008 0.010 0.011 0.012
MAE 2336.022 2299.485 2311.253 2313.189

Accuracy Metric by Ensemble Method on Test Set

After comparing all the 4 models fit throughout this analysis, the best model was chosen based on the RMSE value, such that the model with minimum RMSE is the “winner”. Therefore, the best model is Multiple Linear Regression based on RMSE metric. The RMSE, coefficient of determination, and MAE metrics for all 4 models can be seen in the table above.

Reference List

K. Fernandes, P. Vinagre and P. Cortez. A Proactive Intelligent Decision Support System for Predicting the Popularity of Online News. Proceedings of the 17th EPIA 2015 - Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, September, Coimbra, Portugal.

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